Building a Bright Future Capital Campaign
For over a century, the YWCA of Hawaii has been transforming lives on the Big Island through women’s and family programs and services. The YWCA preschool shines as the largest, and one of the only, fully licensed, nationally accredited preschools able to serve any child in the area, regardless of income or ethnicity. However, despite our convenient downtown location, quality curriculum, and highly trained staff, the YWCA has been operating under the constraints of a cramped and aging facility that was never designed to house a preschool.
Now is the time to revitalize our underutilized campus in downtown Hilo, beginning with a new modern preschool.
In place of the aging cottage and defunct swimming complex, we will create a modern preschool facility to accommodate 35 percent more students.
It will feature:
- Five classrooms
- Age-appropriate children’s restrooms
- Separate, shaded play areas for younger and older keiki.
- A commercial kitchen will support and expand our meal service and nutrition education capabilities while eliminating the need to cater meals.
- A dedicated pick-up/drop-off lane will ensure safety and ease traffic and parking needs.
For more information about our plans, please scroll through the brochure below:
To make this new vision a reality, the YWCA is launching a capital campaign that is both bold and within our reach. Your gift to the YWCA’s Building a Bright Future Campaign will have a tremendous positive impact on the lives of thousands of keiki and families who will benefit from the new preschool for generations to come. We cannot succeed without the generosity and vision of those who believe in the importance of high-quality preschool education.
Gifts of all sizes are needed and appreciated and can be made as a one-time gift or pledged over a 3-to-5 year period. For more information on ways to give, including naming opportunities in our new facility, please contact Kathleen McGilvray, YWCA CEO by calling 808-930-5760 or by email at kmcgilvray@ywcahawaiiisland.org.
Your support is an investment in our keiki and our entire Big Island community!