Sexual Assault Support Services

Since the 1970s, we have provided response programs to victims of sexual assault known as Sexual Assault Support Services (SASS). The YWCA of Hawaiʻi Island is dedicated to changing the beliefs that accompany sexual violence. We seek to create a society that does not minimize sexual crimes, that does not permit the shaming or silencing of the assaulted or hide the crime out of shame – a society where perpetrators are held accountable, mandated for treatment and prevented from offending again.
The YWCA offers support services for victims and their families:
- Free, Confidential Counseling
- Advocacy
- Crisis Intervention
- Emotional and Moral Support
- Available for All Ages
- Assistance Deciding Whether to File a Police Report
- Therapeutic Services
About Sexual Assault
- Sexual Assault is an umbrella term that refers to any unwanted, forced, tricked or coerced sexual activity.
- Sexual Assault includes both contact and non-contact activity.
- It occurs when one does not give consent to the sexual activity or when one is unable to.
- Sexual contact without consent is a crime of violence committed against boys , girls, women, and men.
- It is the distorted sexual expression of power and anger.
- It is criminal activity punishable by law.
Be Aware
- You have the RIGHT to say no
- You have the RIGHT to stop sexual activity at anytime
- Intoxication impairs a persons ability to give consent
(808) 935-0677
All Calls Are Confidential.
24 Hour Crisis Hotline. (808) 935-0677
Island Wide Support Services. All calls are confidential.
Maui: 808.873.8624
Moloka‘i: 808.495.3340
Lana‘i: 1.866.443.5702
Oahu: 808-524-7273
Kauai: 808-245-4144
If you’ve been sexually assaulted you are not alone, we are here to help.
- If it just happened, go to a safe place and call a trusted friend or relative for support.
- If you choose, you can call 911 and report the sexual assault to the police.
- You can reach us on the Sexual Assault Crisis Hotline 808-935-0677, our advocates are available 24/7 to provide support and advocacy at your discretion.
What to expect?
An advocate will inform you of your options and can accompany you to report the assault, access medical care and provide support throughout the legal process.
Get Help – What to Do
Darkness to Light: information on how to recognize and prevent child sexual abuse
Stop It Now: teaches adults how to recognize and identify abusers and prevent sexual abuse
Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network: Provides national statistics and information as well as the national hotline
National organization that provides information on effects of sexual assault, safety and prevention and how to heal after a sexual assault
What is sexual assault?
Sexual assault is any unwanted, forced, tricked or coerced sexual activity; it occurs when one does not give consent to the sexual activity or is unable to. Sexual contact without consent is a crime.
What does it mean to consent?
Consent is when one person agrees to or gives permission to another person to do something. In this case, you understand what something is and what it involves. You are a willing participant in the act and are comfortable every step of the way.
What is not consent?
Remaining silent, not responding or submitting out of fear is not consent. Consent should never be implied or assumed.